Proton anti-scaling software from Amercian Water Chemicals was first introduced at the AMTA Conference in 2014. The platform’s innovative approach to modelling membrane treatment systems which, unlike other anti-scalant predictors, accounts for ion complexes and ion activity in water, and differentiates between nano-filtration and reverse osmosis membranes, enabled it to improve on the accuracy of predicting water quality and chemical dosing requirements.
Four years on from its introduction, the product has taken another step forward by modelling Desalitech’s Closed Circuit Reverse Osmosis (CCRO) system design, enabling plant designers and operators to compare the potential recovery rates and dosing requirements for varying feed waters and membranes in a conventional reverse osmosis (RO) system design versus a CCRO.
This story was originally published in the Water, Desalination + Reuse website
click here for full article
Author: Liz Bury, Editor, Water. desalination + reuse
2 August 2018, source
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