That’s our intro section
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Protonation is the acceptance of acid protons from the surrounding solution, while deprotonation is the donation of acid protons to the surrounding solution. The name PROTON® was selected because all the calculations in the software, whether for scale saturation, or for salt rejection, are based on protonation and deprotonation of weak acids, bases and ion complexes in the Reverse Osmosis/Nanofiltration (RO/NF) process.
PROTON® allows the user to compare the required feed pressure and permeate water quality for various membranes under identical conditions. Once the design is selected, the user can simply select a different membrane type, and can instantly see the impact on pressure, water quality and scaling potential. The user can see real time impacts of changes in pH, temperature or recovery on pressure, flux and permeate quality.
PROTON® accurately calculates boron rejection with varying pH, accounting for both temperature and ionic strength, and differentiating between rejection by nano filtration, brackish, and seawater membranes. Other contaminant rejections that are calculated include iron, manganese, aluminum, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, sulfides. It is also the only software currently available that predicts arsenic rejection with varying pH, temperature and ionic strength. PROTON® even provides calculations that help with design of pre-treatment coagulation and post treatment degasification (see below: Chemical Speciation).
Most reverse osmosis and nanofiltration antiscalant software assume 100% salt rejection. The few that allow entry of the membrane salt rejection apply it as a factor, completely ignoring the fact that salt passage is a function of membrane flux.
PROTON® is the first antiscalant software that can design a nanofiltration or reverse osmosis system, and account for membrane properties and flux rates at the various stages of a system. The user has the option of using the system design provided by PROTON® , or overwriting it with the membrane manufacturer’s array and flow rates per stage. The software also calculates the concentration polarization factor, providing the user with the most accurate, and optimum scale inhibitor dosages required for NF, RO or NF/RO hybrid systems. The hybridization feature allows the user to enter any combination of membranes within the same stage. PROTON® is also the only antiscalant projection software capable of modelling Desalitech’s Closed Circuit Reverse Osmosis (CCRO) technology. CCRO is a unique technology that uncouples recovery, flux and crossflow to enable operation at recoveries well beyond those achievable with conventional RO.
PROTON® calculates the scaling potential for over 50 different scales that can form in RO/NF membrane systems. Many RO antiscalant software programs use “canned” formulas that fail or give erroneous readings outside a certain pH or TDS range. However, Proton’s scaling calculations are not based on formulas but rather on thermodynamic data acquired from peer reviewed scientific research papers. Temperature, ion activity, and ion complexes are considered for every single calculation. The software accounts for over 130 ion complexes, allowing accurate modelling for complex industrial wastewater reuse or seawater at the entire RO operating range of 1 – 11. The scaling saturations calculated by PROTON® are therefore the most accurate and reliable in the industry with all reactions tested in a controlled environment and reconciled in real world applications.
PROTON® has also introduced five powerful new indices:
PROTON® speciates weak acids, weak bases, metal hydroxides, and ion complexes based on pH, ionic strength, oxidation state, and temperature. This allows the user to determine the number of charges that the compounds will carry under any given set of conditions. This is essential for predicting both scale formation and front end membrane fouling by metal hydroxides. The speciation function also allows the user to see changes in the charges of any species with changes in temperature or pH in real time; a function that is extremely useful in optimizing pH for upstream coagulation. Finally, it allows the user to design for post treatment degasification based on carbon dioxide, ammonia, and/or hydrogen sulfide in the permeate.
PROTON® is cloud based for three primary reasons:
PROTON® is based on a highly secure server with multiple layers of security. Furthermore, it does not allow any user to sign in without agreeing to the terms and conditions of use, which include a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) between the user and American Water Chemicals®, Inc. This NDA provides the user with assurance that American Water Chemicals® will be bound by confidentiality and will not share any of the user’s information without explicit permission from the user.