
2019 to be the International Year of the Periodic Table

The United Nations has designated 2019 as the international year of the periodic table of the element.  In anticipation of this, AWC® has reintroduced our widely popular periodic table mousepads.  Please visit us at the AWWA/AMTA 2018 membrane conference to get one! Read full article at:     By Emma Stone, January 9, 2018    
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American Water Chemicals at IDA 2017 Congress in Sao Paulo, Brazil

American Water Chemicals®(AWC) attended the IDA World Congress in Sao Paulo, Brazil on 15 - 20 October 2017.   In addition to being an exhibitor at the conference we were honored to present two papers.  The first presentation was about using our membrane autopsy service as an investigative tool for system optimization and to provide more effective membrane cleaning procedures. With the second presentation we shared two ground-breaking precipitation indices developed by AWC: Calcium Carbonate Nucleation Index (CCNI) and Antiscalant Precipitation Index (API).  CCNI was developed to predict scaling potential in membrane systems that more accurately predicts spontaneous nucleation and maximum...
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AWC® Wins Vendor of the Year at 2017 SCMA Annual Conference in San Antonio, TX

We are pleased to announce that AWC® won vendor of the year at the 2017 Annual South Central Membrane Association (SCMA) event in San Antonio, TX.  Our CEO Mo Malki was attending the conference and accepted the award.  The award read 'In recognition of your dedicated support in the growth and development of Operators through the South Central Membrane Association.  Awarded on August 24, 2017'.  
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AWC® supports chemicals distributors at Expo Pack 2017 in Guadalajara

American Water Chemicals® (AWC) joined Water Technologies de Mexico at the Expo Pack conference in Guadalajara Mexico June 13 – 15.  We at AWC are proud to support our partners to share our ongoing research in using our RO antiscalants, membrane cleaners, and our groundbreaking laboratory techniques to solve complex problems.  As we develop new knowledge of scaling chemistry and scale inhibitors we continue to share our experience with clients around the globe.  Attending this conference were approximately 15,000 professionals involved in packaging and processing from industries such as food, beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetics & personal care, graphic arts, chemical, household...
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AWC® Wins Best Paper Award at AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference 2017

AWC® is proud to announce that our CEO and Technical Director, Mo Malki, won the AMTA Best Paper Award at the MTC 2017 conference in Long Beach, California. The paper, titled “A Novel Calcium Carbonate Scaling Model for Calculating Maximum Recovery and Inhibitor Dosages in Industrial RO Applications” described three indices developed by American Water Chemicals. The first index is a saturation index, named the Calcium Carbonate Nucleation Index (CCNI), accounts for ion complexes and ionic activity in addition to temperature and pH. The second index, the Antiscalant Precipitation Index (API), calculates the limitations of RO Antiscalants due to their...
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Membrane Autopsies: Why, When and How

Why do membrane autopsies? The word autopsy derives from the Greek word “autopsia” which means “to see with one’s own eyes.” Autopsies can identify specific foulants and scalants on the membrane surface, and they can determine the presence of chemical or mechanical damage that has occurred during operation. The data and conclusions from an autopsy can help identify the cause of the problem, which can in turn provide solutions to decrease or eliminate the operational issues. A membrane autopsy includes over 20 specific tests on membranes. Each test provides specific scientific data to identify and quantify fouling/scaling, or chemical/mechanical damage....
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